On November 21st, in Tallinn, Estonia, the eFTI4EU Project held its inaugural kick-off event, bringing together representatives from nine EU member states and the European Commission. Hosted by the Kliimaministeerium – Ministry of Climate of Estonia and the DigiLogistika Keskus (Digital Logistics Centre of Excellence), the kick-off event set the stage for a collaborative journey that aims to redefine the landscape of electronic transport document management.
During the event, insightful presentations from various work streams of the project were delivered, exemplifying the shared commitment of participants towards realizing the project’s objectives. Despite the project’s inherently digital nature, convening in person has proven to be highly beneficial. This allowed practitioners and visionaries to exchange ideas and insights in the same room, reinforcing the human element in driving digital transformation.
This successful event marks the beginning of an exciting journey, one that holds the promise of reshaping the landscape of digital logistics across the European Union.